Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sometimes we need to remember

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

-Emma Lazarus

Friday, March 26, 2010

Anonymous - Part 2

Anonymous said:
Two things:
1) Wanting government regulated health insurance isn't socialism. Sorry, but it isn't. Perhaps you could make the argument with government OWNED health insurance, but not government regulated health insurance.
Also, you don't have to have health insurance. You have to pay a fee if you don't get it, but that fee is 1% of your income, which is probably less than it would cost you to get health insurance. Besides, are you really denying your work-given health insurance? The government also doesn't let you threaten the life of a President or yell fire in a crowded room -- is that Progressives taking away your freedom? The government makes you wear seatbelts -- are you complaining about that terrible loss of freedom?
2) Socialism is an economic movement. Communism is a system of government. You cannot replace democracy with socialism -- it's an impossibility. But that's just words.

I do appreciate your attempts to help this naive progressive understand, but I must confess I still don't understand your clarification. How is pushing through reform ending democracy? There are more Democrats than Republicans in the Congress. The Democrats passed their bill. Did they do it in the best way? No. Did they do it in a shady way? Yes. But in 2008 America voted in more Democrats than Republicans, and the Democrats are passing their agenda. In November, you get to fight this. This means Democracy is still working. 
I totally admire your passion, but simply am having trouble understanding your logic. 
Democrats aren't representing the values of Republicans, so they're ending Democracy? I honestly am having trouble understanding.

Yes, you are correct that Socialism is an economic and/or political theory and democracy is a type of government. I did not refer to the US Government as a Constitution-based federal republic with strong democratic traditions , which is how the CIA categorizes it, not because I want to mislead people or because I don't understand the type of government we have, but because most readers refer to the US as a "democracy", not a "Constitution-based federal republic with strong democratic traditions". Also, most people do not refer to the US as a "representative democracy" we simply say, "Democracy". Since a democracy is a government by the people with freedoms that are secured through the constitution - when I said, "Progressives really think that the battle is won, and that the democracy we flourish in is over." I was implying that under the current bill, which I feel is part of a Progressive agenda, the 'democracy' granted to us by the constitution is being threatened. I wasn't trying to say that we are going from a Democracy to Socialism in terms of form of government. Since the word 'Democracy' is thrown around freely, and since America is Capitalistic (some would argue that point and to what degree we are capitalistic, but that is another can of worms) I assumed, shame on me, that it was implied that I was referring to the replacement of capitalistic with socialistic economic measures.

Democracy, or a Constitution-based federal republic with strong democratic traditions (CBFRSDT, for short), didn't happen over night. Socialism won't happen over night either. It is also a process. Many Conservatives feel that this Healthcare Law is a huge step down that path. In 2007, Obama said,
It is my belief that not just politically but also economically, it’s better for us to start getting a system in place—a universal health care system—signed into law by the end of my first term as president and build off that system to further—to make it more rational—by the way, Canada did not start off immediately with a single-payer system. They had a similar transition step.
The Obama administration passed this bill because they needed a foundation to 'build off'. Clearly it didn't matter what was in the bill. Pelosi said,
we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it
I mean, really? This bill, I mean law, has nothing to do with improving healthcare or cutting cost! It was only a step.

If that isn't enough, the law does NOT cover children with pre-existing conditions. They all thought it did, but I guess that's what happens when not a damn soul reads the bill.

You mentioned that,
Wanting government regulated health insurance isn't socialism. Sorry, but it isn't. Perhaps you could make the argument with government OWNED health insurance, but not government regulated health insurance.
The government is setting up the exchanges that contain 4 tiered plans that the American public is mandated to PURCHASE, in order to meet the minimum coverage requirement. So you are purchasing healthcare coverage from the gov't, which makes it gov't owned, not gov't regulated. That sounds Socialistic to me.

Now to Car Insurance vs. Health Insurance. One, you don't have to drive a car. When you drive a car it is on a public street, and in order to drive you have to obtain a driver's license. If you don't want to drive, then don't - but guess what? If you decide not to drive, you aren't fined. You are FREE to make that choice. And that is the difference!

Any form of Nationalization is a step toward Socialism, and with this Healthcare Law the government is now controlling part of the distribution and production within the healthcare market. America has always been the country with a Capitalistic Free Market based economy, so why are we now going down the Nationalization/Socialist path?

It is just 2700 pages of favors!

Monday, March 22, 2010


In response to my post 'The Reckoning', I received this Anonymous comment:
Anonymous said...
You really, honestly in your heart think that Progressives want to end democracy? This kind of hyperbolic rhetoric is terrifying. It no longer extends to policies or ideas, but is now becoming hateful against fellow American citizens who happen to have different ideas than you. Labeling half of the country as evil, freedom-hating socialists is hateful. Can you not make your point without making enemies?
First, to this person, I am not your enemy nor do I want to be your enemy. But on March 21st, 2010 a line was clearly drawn in the sand, not by Conservatives, but by the Liberal controlled Congress and Administration. That is simply a fact. Americans from every race, socioeconomic class, and age have pleaded for a year to be heard and respected. I could post videos of numerous Town Hall meetings, protests, letters, and emails of everyday Americans asking their Representatives to listen to them - only to be ignored. And if being ignored wasn't enough, those very 'Representatives' responded by telling the People that they know what's best for them. Then, adding insult to injury, the Speaker of the House was boasting and laughing on the House Floor before the final vote. The arrogance was sickening.

Let me clear up a few items before I go into what I think Healthcare reform means to true Conservatives.

To answer your first question, "You really, honestly in your heart think that Progressives want to end democracy?" My answer is, Yes. I'm actually surprised you don't. There is currently a book in circulation authored by Richard Creamer titled, "Listen to Your Mother, Stand Up Straight - How Progressives Can Win." A very interesting part of the book is the '10 point plan for the Progressive Agenda for Structural Change." Below are steps 1-3, and it must be a coincidence that all 3 pertain to Healthcare Reform.
1.“We must create a national consensus that health care is a right, not a commodity; and that government must guarantee that right.”
2.“We must create a national consensus that the health care system is in crisis.”
3.“Our messaging program over the next two years should focus heavily on reducing the credibility of the health insurance industry and focusing on the failure of private health insurance.”

I know, I know the next step in your argument is -'not all Progressives think this", but don't you? The Progressive agenda is designed to take America toward Socialism, plain and simple.

Now Healthcare Reform.

Conservatives do a poor job of articulating their position on Healthcare Reform. Yes, reform is needed. Most Americans do not think that Insurance Companies should exclude individuals with pre-existing conditions and no-one in the mist of a medical crisis should lose their coverage. But that doesn't take a 2700 page bill to change, nor does it require the Government take-over of 1/6 of the economy.

In order to reduce cost, you need competition--drop the state-to-state barriers and allow the American Public to be consumers. We will decide what is best for our situation. Healthcare is personal, and no two Americans are alike or need the same coverage. So, let us purchase what is best for our needs. De-regulate the barriers and watch the prices go down!

We ask Doctors to save us. We put our lives in their hands, yet we allow un-godly lawsuits to be filed against them. Why? If the Government wants to regulate an area - then place controls here. Funny how the government has no issue controlling the People, but refuses to consider placing controls around malpractice suits.

This is the first time in our history that the government is forcing the people to purchase something. The choice to be uninsured has been taken off the table. After BHO signs the bill into law, I no longer have the right as an American NOT to have Health Insurance. Yes, a right is being taken away from me.

As much as the Liberals want to say Healthcare is a right, it is also a right not to have it - CHOICE is the true right that is being taken away from the People. To date, nothing has kept Americans from obtaining some form of coverage. That is a key element that most Liberals fail to acknowledge. The avenues to be insured or to have an organization pay for you medical expenses are out there. For instance, the State of California offers Healthy Family or Medi-Cal to families that can't afford coverage, the elderly, and individuals that have lost their jobs. It's not just California that offers coverage; numerous states offer various types of coverage : Alabama, Tennessee ,, and New York - just to name a few. The coverage is there, but doesn't require Federal oversight to maintain. Isn't this really a state issue to begin with?

Not to mention the corruption and closed-door deals. Why should Americans in Wyoming be forced to pay additional taxes to fund the special deal in Louisiana or Florida? Why does Pennsylvania get money for an airport in a Healthcare bill? What does anything about student loans have to do healthcare? Nothing! But all that was part of this bill.

The argument isn't whether reform is needed, but how that reform is delivered!
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
That's right! Don't just blindly sustain some one's poverty - teach them, empower them to succeed and give them the skills to be more. Establishing an entitlement program does nothing but keep people poor. I argue that true compassion is teaching a man to fish not giving him the fish. No Conservative wants to see someone suffer or have less. In fact, according to ABC NEWS, Conservatives care a great deal for the poor:
It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election. Arthur Brooks, the author of "Who Really Cares," says that "when you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more." He adds, "And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money. And he says the differences in giving goes beyond money, pointing out that conservatives are 18 percent more likely to donate blood. He says this difference is not about politics, but about the different way conservatives and liberals view government. "You find that people who believe it's the government's job to make incomes more equal, are far less likely to give their money away," Brooks says. In fact, people who disagree with the statement, "The government has a basic responsibility to take care of the people who can't take care of themselves," are 27 percent more likely to give to charity.

Back to my point: it's not THAT healthcare reform is delivered, it's HOW it's delivered. The government should not provide 'product', but insure an environment in which the free market can thrive, allowing people to attain whatever 'product' they want by their own free will!

Conservatives deliver sustainable compassion!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Reckoning

Each generation faces their own unique adversity. The Second Continental Congress convened on May 10th, 1775 in the mist of the American Revolution and crafted the document from which this country still lives, the Declaration of Independence. The Founding Fathers embodied the Patriot spirit that dwells in each American. Fast forward a few generations to World War II. The freedom of not only America, but the World, rested on the back of the United States. After the blow to Pearl Harbor, all Americans accepted the challenge and went to battle delivering the World from destruction. Most thought that the great battle of the current generation would be Terrorism, but the true battle is Progressivism.

Following September 11th, America was united! Never in my lifetime had I felt such Patriotism, but deep down I knew it would be short lived. Within two years of 9/11, the demons of our society began to creep in and take over media outlets and online blog realms. Conservatives put up little fight prior to Barack Hussein Obama's election in 2008. Maybe our faith in the system was gone or maybe our complacency took over, but either way, we lost the White House and Congress. BHO won the White House by capturing the hearts of the American Independent voter, and preaching "Hope & Change". Obama didn't campaign on any substance, but stood and spewed that he would change the current state of our Democracy, and today he has.

Today, March 21st, 2010, goes down in history, not because of Universal Healthcare, but because our Country just took one huge step away from our Liberty. The Progressives in this Country won this battle because Conservatives were asleep at the wheel.

I argue that March 21st, 2010, isn't a victory for Progressives, but a call to action for America! Fellow Patriots, this battle isn't over - it has just BEGUN! Let the Progressives think they have won, but know that this battle can't be decided with one vote.


Instead of ignoring our Founding Fathers' wisdom, let's reflect on the battle they won. During the debate on July 1st, 1776, Adams is quoted as saying,
"Objects of the most stupendous magnitude, measures in which the lives and liberties, born and unborn are most essentially interested, are now before us. We are in the very midst of revolution, the most complete, unexpected, and remarkable of any in the history of the world"

Progressives really think that the battle is won, and that the democracy we flourish in is over. Socialism would be an easy blow to deliver to those without freedom, but delivering it to the Republic won't happen until the last Patriot dies. If you feel defeated, broken, lost, discouraged - don't. That is what they want! Rise above, find your Rebel spirit!

Step one is to reach out. Stop being scared to be a Conservative! Tell your family members, co-workers, and neighbors how you feel and why you feel it. Go to TeaPartyConnect.com and find your local TeaParty and get involved, and be prepared for November.

Between March 21st and November a lot has to be accomplished. Those that voted in favor of this Socialist Bill will feel the wrath of the Republic. The very Constitution they hide behind will deliver their fate and the Republic we love will be reborn. It doesn't stop today, or in November. Never again will we become complacent and fail this Republic.

When you feel discouraged or without hope remember that many Patriots died for this very cause! Remember that the sovereignty of this nation lies on you. Each of you are the 'Atlas' of America carrying the weight on your shoulders, and that weight isn't to much to bear!